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what is a mentor?
An in//border mentor is a TTU CoA—El Paso and/or EPCC alumni who provides advice, support, and encouragement to a current architecture student. They not only understand the nuances of living in the borderlands but also have firsthand experience attending and transferring from these institutions themselves. 
want to BE a mentor?
TTU CoA – El Paso TTU CoA – El Paso students graduating and receiving their bachelor’s degree this Spring term are welcome and encouraged to apply to be mentors if they are continuing with their Master’s Degree this Fall and hope to bring the attention that the border region deserves and to see incredible talent come back to our community to give back much more than what it’s been able to give us.

Mentor applications are accepted on a rolling basis, apply filling out the 2024-24 Mentorship Program form: here.

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join our in//border community
BE a mentor
FIND a mentor
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